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Helena High School Study Hall Guidelines

1.  Students are to bring work and use the time to complete assignments and should not leave to retrieve work from their lockers.


2.  Students are not allowed to sleep or talk with other students during Study Hall.


3.  Only one student may leave to use the bathroom or get water, at a time.


4.  Students who wish to go to the Library or to see another teacher must obtain a pass from the Librarian or the teacher and bring that pass to Study Hall in order to be released.


Acceptable Game Sites - if you have passing grades in all classes.

Puzzles - all sorts

Business thinking games

Homework Help Links

Mrs. Humphrey's Guidelines


1.  Students may spend time on the internet or reading for pleasure provided their grades are above a 2.0.  Students that are failing classes or have missing work must focus on those classes.


2.  Students will check their grades each week and will discuss those grades with me and whether those grades meet the student's expectations.  Specifically, students will be encouraged to consider the importance of their cumulative Grade Point Average as it relates to future career aspirations.


3.  Students who desire additional support or assistance in any class or in learning study strategies should simply ask, as I have a number of resources available that can be very helpful


4.  Students who are completing research on the internet must indicate their are researching by placing an "Internet" card on their computer. 


5.  Students who require a quick trip to the bathroom, for water or even their locker may use the Quick Pass located in the classroom.


6.  Students may listen to their personal music during class provided they have earbuds or head phones and do not disrupt the rest of the class.

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