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JMG Year End Final


What:  Create a Word bubble, Wordle, Word Art, Word Cloud using at least 50 words that describe:

            a.  Our Events this year

            b.  What skills you learned

            c.  What topics we covered



          1.  Make a list of all the activities and projects that we did that stand out in your mind.  What mattered to you?  What did you enjoy doing?  What did you participate in?   Narrow these down to one to four words per event.


          2.  Make a list of all the skills you learned.  Did you get better on the computer or at teamwork or working on deadlines or at figuring out your career goals?  Narrow these down to one to four words per skill.


         3.  Make a list of the actual topics we covered that stand out to you:  Leadership, Personal Finance, Community Service, Career Planning to name a few….  Narrow these down to one to four words per topic.


          4.  Go onto the internet and find a Word Cloud site.  One that is easy to use is

                        a.  Follow the directions at whatever site you use.


           5.  Print your final project.

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